I've been obsessing over this pic for a while now. Dear me, I just love it. All of it. I wonder if that arched brick around the bed used to be a fireplace? Just so gorgeous.
via Belle Vivir

Now this is quintessential loft living in my opinion. I bet it has a rickety old elevator that you have to push open and close by hand and it opens right onto your personal loft space. Why are those kind of elevators so sexy to me? I bet the first time the thing got stuck with me in, it would cease to be sexy anymore.
via Decor Maven
via apartment therapy

This is the kind of home that makes me hate my own. Makes me want to redo everything. I love the elegance of it mixed with the texture of the white washed brick and that antiqued mirror is divine.
via design sponge

Am I crazy or is that brick painted? I think it's painted. Love that dark, yummy floor, too, and check out how that chandelier is hung!
via canadian house and home

I thought this was a cute little place I stumbled upon...such a great mish mash of stuff and I'm digging that piece hung above the fireplace. What is that...medical references? Shellfish? Shows what I know.
via apartment therapy

I'm liking this whole space but doesn't that bed look deflated? I'd need to load it up with a huge feather bed and a down comforter to make it look a bit more inviting.
via design mine

This is in my permanent inspiration file. A claw foot tub set against a brick wall with a ladder to hold my fluffy towel and a genuine piece of art on the wall? Come on, tell me this isn't perfection.
via design sponge
I keep switching from liking this weird shade of grayish brick to going back to just plain weird. What do you think? It certainly works with everything else in the bedroom, so kudos to them for making it make sense and even beautiful.
via house to home
I love that beaten up and painted over wood floor. Looks like about a zillion coats of paint...something about it makes me want to be barefoot and dancing with my husband.
via interior decorating home
Oh, if I even had just a peek of brick I'd be one happy girl.
via kat burki
Well, stick a fork in me, I'm done. From the vintage file cabinets to the massive mirror with gilt work and that huge, delicious bookcase...I would have to be pulled kicking and screaming from this room.
via loft life
Doing laps never sounded so good. I would blare some classical music and light votives all around the pool and each time I came up for air it would be like Heaven.
via loft life
Have you checked out Lonny yet? What a great online magazine...seriously, it's worth a look-see.
via lonny
via apartment therapy
These pictures are amazing.
I have a love/hate relationship with brick walls. Love to look at them in photos, they really do add a lot of character to a space, and certain shades make a room feel very warm & cozy... But...
They can cause nasty scrapes, are hard to clean, and it is a pain hanging things (to a diy-er like me who is always changing things up) vs. regular walls.
There are pros and cons to everything!
I have always loved brick, too! I really love the chandelier hanging from the pipes!
ah brick walls...they can bring so much to a room and some. i have to say the early 2006 Denver movement was lofts with exposed ducts and bricks walls. 2008 brought exposed bricks in bungaloos and Denver squares. although they are wonderful for the eye, they have a lot of issues. the and some: molds, cleaning issues, tuck point, and yes injuries...to furniture, pets, and human.
so moral, be careful.
I would take the lap pool though! :D
Love bricks on the outside of my house not so much on the inside. Love the chandelier in the gray bedroom.
These are beautiful! I especially love the kitchen, the bath with the clawfoot tub, and that chandelier hanging from the pipe is awesome!
We had to take out a wall in our basement due to some old mold behind it. After they got it down, cleaned, etc, we decided to leave the block exposed, and painted it. We absolutely LOVE it! And it has inspired us to keep going in that room - rip up the carpet and put a finish on the concrete floor, etc. I can't wait to get it done!
There are things I love soooo much that functional or not, I'd put up with anything to have them. Velvet backed throw pillows with 4 pets in the house, white linen pants, black and white checkerboard kitchen floors that show every speck of dust and yes, I'd put up with all that was mentioned to have some brick in my house. Great points, though! I had never thought about the mold issue! 'Spose I'll have to consider that one a bit more! Have a great weekend, ladies. :)
love, LoVe, LOVE brick walls!!! My very first apt. in downtown Dav. had brick walls in the living room, kitchen and bedroom...oh how I miss them!
I know you posted these pictures some time ago, but I couldn't help but post a response. I also love the look of a little interior brick - and I'm just about install some in my 17 year old son's bedroom! It's actually really easy. There's a system called the EZ wall thin brick design by "Ambrico" where you choose from all sorts of different shades of ½ inch thick bricks and, following fairly straight forward instructions, can put them up inside your house. I'm just doing one wall behind his bed with some weathered old red bricks. Can't wait!!
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