
Black and White Rugs

Do me a favor, after you peruse the following spaces and take it all in, go back through and then imagine them without the black and white rugs. I think you'll find it easy to see that it's really the rugs...the pop of black and white...that create the wow factor. Depending on the pattern and scale, a black and white rug can easily go contemporary or work right into a traditional space. I especially like one of these bold rugs in a space with a limited color palette. Black, white and one other color...maybe two. It's such an easy and tried and true solution for when you just don't know what the heck to do with a space, but don't want it to fall flat. Instant drama on any budget.

I hear a lot of people saying they would never mix chocolate and black. Why?! It's gorgeous. Not only does every room...I mean, EVERY room, need a touch of black, but this is the perfect example of how chocolate and black work beautifully together and by keeping it simple, the space seems crisp and boutique hotel-ish.
(via little green notebook)


See how easy a bold, black and white rug makes decorating a space. The rest can be as simple and light as you like and the rug gives you all the oopmh you need. 
(cottage living)

Oh, Lonny. You know me so well.

Great example of how to successfully mix several different black and white patterns and take a look at the color palette. Black and white mixed with terra cotta and navy walls. Really sophisticated.

The king of color, Jonathan does black and white so well.
(jonathan adler)

Alright, that darn throw on the bed is making me nauseous...I am having a visceral need to jump through this screen and tear it off the bed. The rest of the space though is so amplified by the rug, I had to show it.
 (via peacock feather)

This one always gets me. The rug is stunning and I've been collecting sunburst mirrors for over ten years so I love the collection on the wall. Max Azria is the brains behind the BCBG brand.
(max azria)

Even an inexpensive rug found at your local Home Depot in a small scale pattern can help to ground the space and pull it together.

(eric cohler)

Have a great day!

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