So, pinch me...well, not too hard as I bruise really easily these days (add that to the list of negatives about being closer to 40 than 30).
Of course, there are other things I love...my incredible husband and our four-legged children, anything French (yep, I'm that girl), travel in general, the idea of taking photography classes and actually understanding my darn camera, the smell of old books, which my newest love, my Kindle, lacks but makes up for in oh, so many ways, framed black and white silhouettes, thrift store finds (the poor woman's antique store, ya know), and of course anything to do with food and cooking.
I'd be honored to have you join me as we discover new ideas and find inspiration along the way, so make sure to become a "follower" of the blog! Nothing too high brow here, just brilliant and inspired ideas for those of us who dream big while still searching for that ever elusive money tree. Where IS that darn thing, anyway!