

My Favorite Time of Year!

Ahhh...the first signs of Autumn are here! The leaves are changing and finally there is a crispness to the air calling for a night in with the fireplace lit and the smells of something wonderful slowly becoming our dinner. I decided I would, for the first time, attempt bouef bourguinon so having gone to the grocer to get all the ingredients and following Julia Child's recipe line by line...I must say the smells are making my belly grumble and if judged by the spoonful I just's going to be divine. A nice, crusty baguette from Schnuck' local bakery :(...will soon be dipped and dunked into this big pot of heaven. I think I'll make a salad with greens, pears, candied walnuts and a bit of Roquefort in a honey/balsalmic vinaigrette mixed in. My mouth is case yours is too and you want to try this one out for yourself. It actually wasn't a bit hard to make and it was sublime!

Here's the link for the recipe!

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